♥ can we pretend that airplane at the night sky like shooting star, i can really use a wish right now.
♥ can we pretend that airplane at the night sky like shooting star, i can really use a wish right now.
3:14 AM
A sudden thought make me realize that
I should be contented with what I have. . N not to be serious over small matter . Baby boy yes I feel sad you lost e ring but u worried I might be angry so u choose to say white lie. I know how u feel cos I lost e watch too . That why I m not angry but just want to know e answer . And i m not going to bothered so much about your ex cos i know you loved me alot as long i dint throw and temper i know you are faithful to me and wont hurt me . Honey baby boy thanks for your love As I promise I try not to be lunatic or paranoid . I would rather ask u for e answer . Baby sorry I invade your privacy . Cos I m searching for e answer but after my doing I know it wasn't good . I maybe not a good girlfriend who always cause u lot of tension n stress but I m trying to be a better one . Thanks baby boy for giving me chance n support. Sorry ah baby boy . Princess always make u angry hehe I love you muack
♥ can we pretend that airplane at the night sky like shooting star, i can really use a wish right now.
8:42 AM