Fuvk..... I need to control ! 烦死了
一開始我只相信 偉大的是感情
最後我無力的看清 強悍的是命運
*妳還是選擇回去 他刺痛妳的心 但妳不肯覺醒
妳說愛本就是夢境 跟妳借的幸福 我只能還妳
#想留不能留 才最寂寞
沒說完溫柔 只剩離歌
心碎前一秒 用力的相擁著沈默
用心跳送妳 辛酸離歌
原來愛是種任性 不該太多考慮
愛沒有聰不聰明 只有願不願意
Should I ?
I enjoy the convesation.. even thought it short..
I miss you.. can't wait to see you !
12th day to go !
always be giving more.. and expecting to take turn to take..
So I guess I need to control my self.. if not compromise.. a learn in life..
I really wanted to start 2015.
A good n bettwr ways.
But why I kept feeling e coldness frm you..
I don't care what cool period anot..
Important is..
Do u still want me to be in ur life...
If so.. u got to be truthful.. and stop giving excuse.. or lie....
Cos it will lead to no ending...
Neither for u nor her or me..
Why do u want to make it so difficult for urself..